Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Working with own SOAP Receiver in WSO2 CEP

Hi all,

In this blog we are going to see from the beginning. Here I am doing one example from the start. You can do it same way for your scenario.

  • First we need to create stream. I created stream named as "soapStream". My created stream is given below.

  • Then we need to create a soap event receiver under Manage->Receivers in Management console. I created event receiver names as "soapTest". My created soap event receiver is given below.

  • Then we need to have publisher to view the output to check whether our input is going inside. I created a logger publisher named as "soapTestLogger" to view the output in terminal.

  • Now we have finished our initial steps. As we mentioned transport as http in Soap receiver which we created, we need to give http soap request. Here I used Postman (which is google chrome apps) to send the request. http address we have to use is http://localhost:9763/services/<ReceiverName>/receive. My receiver name is soapTest. so i used like http://localhost:9763/services/soapTest/receive. In header we have to mention Content-Type as application/xml. In body we have to give our events according to the stream. The body part i gave is given below.

                <Name>Test Data</Name>

The postman screen shot is given below.

 The output can view in the terminal(CEP started Terminal).

 Now we have finished using soap Receiver with Postman http request. Will see you in next blog. :)

1 comment:

  1. الان مع ستلايت السالمية والخدمات المميزه جدا التى يقدمها كن على ثقة تامة انك سوف تحصل على افضل فرصة لتركيب او تصليح ستلايت باحدث وافضل المعدات والتقنيات والاساليب المميزه التى لا مثيل لها على الاطلاق بالاضافة الىارقام فنى ستلايت الفروانية التى تتيح لك امكانية السؤال عن كل ما تريد واكثر مع سرعة الرد وحسن المعاملة وكذلك ايضا فنى ستلايت حولى الكويت حيث الدقة والكفاءة فى العمل وايضا فنى ستلايت الجهراء هندى الذى يقدم خدمات لا مثيل لها على ايدى عمال وفنيين متخصصين وكذلك ايضافنى ستلايت الكويت الذى يتميز بافضل الخدمات وباقل التكاليف التى تناسب جميع الافراد
